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From contents are being permanently moved to development wiki, mostly to my user space.

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Copyleft is the "user's right". Don't be a dirty pirate and forfeit your rights under the copyleft license.
Image of an etching of a man looking at a sheet of paper in his study. Modern tech, yeay.

WikiStudy is not an encyclopedia. This means we don't require the contents of the wiki studies to be agreeable to all professionals in the field. We allow original research. We may write truths that have not yet been scientifically proven. Furthermore it means that amateur level study is ok. Editing a wiki is an excellent way to prove either of 2 things: being an amateur and being an expert. Be bold and scribe ahead and not worry about it.

Reading a wiki

In mediawiki an external URL will have a small symbol after it to indicate a link not internal to the wiki or reached via the interwiki mechanism.

Notice that internal links and interwiki links have slightly different color with the interwiki links being lighter in hue. If unable to tell just hover over the link and see where it leads to.

Red means the target article does not exist.

Editing a wiki

Use [[w:Fairtrade]] to link to Wikipedia's article on fairtrade and [[w:fr:Commerce équitable]] to link to the article in the French Wikipedia as simple as that. ( works for all languages, just insert the correct lang code )

This wiki has InstantCommons activated so all Wikimedia Commons images can be used on this wiki with the normal syntax: [[File:Filename.png|thumb|right|100px|Caption text]]

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WikiStudy by subject

Natural therapeutics is an ongoing work to chart nature's medicines.
Wikis, such as pictured Mediawiki are an excellent way to prove amateurship or expertese as wikis classically maintain full historical records of changes to the text corpus.
You are welcome to Apotheker Jukeboksi's Basic Finnish for tourists and travelers by sauna visit guide intended for learning meaningful Finnish you might actually use.

Tech, mainly Automation and AI there now.
Technology is also the reason why we and the planet need Automatic Basic Income for all.

Thank yous for tech

.. but it has always helped Linux to be.
Relying on Mediawiki since 2012.
Apache HTTP Server is what this server uses but when choosing one might also consider Nginx a very nice copyleft web server.
Choice of RDBMS is MariaDB, a fork back by the original people behind MySQL.
all run on Debian GNU/Linux Stable servers.

Hosted in Helsinki, Finland by a hosting business that uses electricity only from renewable sources. Verify.