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Marketing: Difference between revisions

1,188 bytes added ,  28 January 2015
→‎Nonprofit Marketing: + definition of w:refugee + link to infopankki.fi
(→‎Nonprofit Marketing: + definition of w:refugee + link to infopankki.fi)
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== Nonprofit Marketing ==
== Nonprofit-markkinointi ==
Type of course: Free choice studies
* Teacher: Pauli Lindström
* Type of course: Free choice studies
* Marketing for nonprofits.
* Marketing for nonprofits.
=== Nonprofit-markkinointi - Sessio 1 ===
* Opettaja perehdytti meidät tehtäväämme joka on luoda informaatioresursseja pakolaisten tarpeisiin.
* A '''[[w:refugee|refugee]]''' is a person who is outside their home country because they have suffered (or feared) [[w:persecution|persecution]] on account of [[w:race (human classification)|race]], [[w:religion|religion]], [[w:nationality|nationality]], or [[w:political opinion|political opinion]]; because they are a member of a persecuted social category of persons; or because they are fleeing a [[w:war|war]]. Such a person may be called an "'''asylum seeker'''" until recognized by the state where they make a claim.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.oed.com/viewdictionaryentry/Entry/161121|title=refugee, n.|work=[[w:Oxford English Dictionary Online|]]|date=November 2010|accessdate=23 February 2011}}</ref> ( Wikipedia )
=== Nonprofit-markkinointi - Sessio 2 ===
==== Existing resources for the refugees ====
* http://www.infopankki.fi/en/moving-to-finland/i-am-/refugee
* http://www.tampereenseurakunnat.fi/kirkko_tampereella/yhteiskuntavastuu/paikallinen_yhteistyo/tupa_-_tukea_pakolaisille

== Read more on marketing: ==
== Read more on marketing: ==
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