Target Economic Regions: Difference between revisions

(→‎Week 5 - Getting to Know EU for Business: listiting types of legistlation in use in the EU)
(→‎Week 5 - Getting to Know EU for Business: expanding on the instruments of w:Primary legislation and [w:Secondary legislation]] in the EU)
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* Primary legistlation: [[w:treaties|treaties]]
* '''[[w:Primary legislation|Primary legislation]]''':
* Secondary legistlation: [[w:Regulations|Regulations]], [[w:Directive (European Union)|directives]], [[w:Decision (European Union)|decisions]], recommendations, options ( Teacher )
:** '''[[w:treaties|treaties]]''' are agreements under [[w:international law|international law]] entered into by actors in international law, namely [[w:sovereign state|sovereign state]]s and [[w:international organizations|international organizations]]. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:Secondary legislation|Secondary legislation]]''':
:** '''[[w:Regulations|Regulation]]''' is a rule or law designed to control or govern conduct. In [[w:statism|statist]] mechanisms it can also be extended to monitoring and enforcement of rules as established by [[w:primary legislation|primary]] and/or [[w:delegated legislation|delegated legislation]]. ( Wikipedia )
:** '''[[w:Directive (European Union)|directives]]''' are legal acts of the [[w:European Union|European Union]], which requires [[w:Member state of the European Union|member states]] to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. ( Wikipedia )
:** '''[[w:Decision (European Union)|decisions]]''' - In [[w:European Union law|European Union law]], a decision is a legal instrument which is binding upon those individuals to which it is addressed. ( Wikipedia )
:** '''recommendations'''
:** '''options''' ( Teacher )