Learning Albanian

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Revision as of 09:41, 18 August 2018 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (→‎Loan words for English speakers: + konsull, -lli, -j == a consul)

Welcome to Learning Albanian.

Shqiponja është e madhe në Shqipëri. The eagle is big in Albania. është, 3rd pers. sing. for "to be" is a loan word from Latin

The name of the Albanian language in Albanian language is 'shqip' and the name of the country Albania is 'Shqipëri' (indefinite (later indef.)) and 'Shqipëria. (definite (later def.))

Q is the most far-out non-western compliance letter in the Albanian language. It is pronounced a sharp 's' like in chuck.

Both of these could be derived from the word sq.'shqiponja' == en."the eagle" or is it the other way around that shqip is so awesome that the name of the eagle then gotta be shqiponja.

First things to know

Albanian flag is very red and black (kuq e zi) and sq."Shqiponja ka dy kokat!" == en."The eagle has two heads!". ka is the 3rd person singular for 'to have'. dy means two. kokat is definite plural form of kokë, head

Nouns: first things to know

As you may notice the Albanian nouns have their article affixed to the end of the noun and not preceding it. Later-on code like this 'Shqipëri, -a' tells you that the definite form is formed by adding the definite article '-a' to it.

Albanian has 2 grammatical genders: masculine and feminine but worry not, sing. indef. nouns that end in a consonant are masculines and nouns ending in a vowel are feminines. Exceptions are if the noun clearly is of the other gender than the vowel/consonant rule would say.

Verbs: first things to know:

Albanian verbs have no infinite forms so all the dictionaries have them listed by the 1st person singular. This is handy for quickly learning to express what I do or what I would like to do.

Adjectives: first things to know

For those of you who know French you'll feel at home as adjectives and adverbs are placed after the noun also in Albanian.

Nouns and adjectives are connected by an adjectival article. For nominative these are 'i' for masculine and 'e' for feminine.


Albanian verbs are divided into 6 classes as follows:

  1. Class 1 - Verbs ending in 'j'
  2. Class 2 - Verbs ending in a consonant
  3. Class 3 - Verbs ending in a vowel
  4. Class 4 - Three verbs ending in 'i'
  5. Class 5 - Irregular verbs
  6. Class 6 - Verbs ending in '(h)em'

Class 1 verbs - end in 'j'

Albanian has quite a few verbs that end in 'j'

Class 2 verbs - end in a consonant

Albanian verbs - Class 2 - ending in a consonant.png

Class 3 verbs - end in a vowel

Albanian verbs - Class 3 - ending in a vowel.png

Class 4 verbs - the three verbs ending in 'i'

Albanian verbs - Class 4 - three verbs ending in 'i'.png

Class 5 verbs - irregular verbs

Class 6 verbs - end in '(h)em'

Albanian verbs - Class 6 - verbs ending in '(h)em'.png

Building up vocabulary

Ë is not pronounced when it is at the end of a word. When inside a word it is like the syllable "uh".

Knowing the first things to know about nouns and adjectives now would be a good time to consider starting to play the Basic Albanian 1 on Memrise. Memrise programs your brain slightly differently than traditional methods, but hey, how harmful can it be?

Albanian has a lot of loan words but they come from a wide variety of languages including but not limited to Latin, English, Italian, French, Slavic, Germanic, Arabic, Swedish etc.

Jamaican shares from Albanian the word 'I ri'. In Albanian 'i ri' means both new and young for masculine nouns. Corresponding form for feminine nouns is 'e re'.

Lists of loan words

The forms given for nouns are

  1. Singular, indefinite
  2. Singular, definite
  3. Plural indefinite

Mots d'emprunt pour francophones

These often come via Italian or are originally from Latin by which the words not so magically happen to often be the same in French. Jukeboksi (talk)

  1. abazhur, -i, -e == un abat-jour == a lampshade
  2. alkool, -i, -e == un alcool == alcohol
  3. ambasadë, -a, -a == une ambassade == an embassy
  4. ansambël, -li, -lë == un ensamble == a (performing) group
  5. avion, -i, -ë == un avion == an airplane
  6. avokat, -i, -e == un avocat == a lawyer
  7. bibliotekë, -a, -a == une bibliothèque - a library
  8. biftek, -u, -ë == un bifteck == a beefsteak
  9. biletë, -a, -a == un billet == a ticket
  10. bluzë, -a, -a == une blouse == a blouse
  11. bursë, -a, -a == une bourse == this word means both, like in French, a stock exchange and a study grant for undergraduates
  12. diskotekë, -a, -a == une discothèque == a diskotheque
  13. dakord == d'accord == agreed, all right
  14. divorc == un divorce == a divorce
  15. ekspozitë, -a, -a == une exposition == an exhibition
  16. emision, -i, -e == une émission == TV/radio show, program, broadcast
  17. fill, -i, fije == un fil == a thread
  18. financiar, -e == financier == financial
  19. fizikë, -a == une physique == physics
  20. Francẽ, -a, -a == La France == France
  21. francez, -i, -ë == un français == a French
  22. francez, -e == français, -e == French (adj.)
  23. galeri, -a, - == une galerie == a gallery
  24. gaz, -i, -e == un gaz == a gas
  25. gjeografik, -e == géographique == geographic
  26. grevë == une grève == a strike
  27. gri == gris == grey
  28. grip, -i, -e == une grippe == a flu
  29. ide, -ja, - == une idée == an idea
  30. inkonjito == incognito == incognito
  31. institucion, -i, -e == une institution == an institution
  32. interesant, -e == interesant == interesting
  33. inxhinier, -i, -ë == un ingénieur == an engineer
  34. juridik, -e == juridique == legal, judicial
  35. kabinë, -a, -a == une cabine == a booth
  36. kafe, -ja, -e == un café == a coffee
  37. kanal, -i, -e == un canal == a channel
  38. kanion, -i, -e == un canyon == a canyon
  39. karakter, -i, -e == un caractère == a character, nature
  40. karakteristik, -e == caractéristique == characteristic
  41. karotë, -a, -a == une carotte == a carrot
  42. kartë, -a, -a == une carte == a card (also a paper)
  43. kartë krediti == une carte de crédit == a credit card
  44. katër == quatre == four
  45. katolik, -e == catholique == catholic
  46. këmishë, -a, -ë == une chemise == a shirt
  47. kimi, -a == chimie == chemistry
  48. klient, -i, -ë == un client == a client
  49. koleg, -u, -ë == un collègue == a colleague
  50. komedi, -a, - == une comédie == a comedy
  51. komplikacion, -i, -e == une complication == a complication
  52. kuadër, -ri, -ro == un cadre == frame, setting
  53. kurs, -i, -e == un course == rate, course
  54. kuzhinë, -a, -a == une cuisine == a kitchen
  55. lahutë, -a, -a == un luth == a lute
  56. legjendë, -a, -a == une légende == a legend
  57. librari, -a, - == une librarie == a bookstore
  58. linjë, -a, -a == une ligne == a line
  59. madhësti -a == une majesté == a majesty
  60. maj, -i == maj == May
  61. mandarinë, -a, -a == une mandarine == a mandarin
  62. mars, -i == mars == March
  63. më == me == me, to me (attn. më can be a number of other things to in sentences)
  64. meny, -ja, - == un menu == a menu
  65. menyrë, -a, -a == une manière == manner, way
  66. mesazh -i, -e == un message == a message
  67. miliard, -i, -ë == un milliard == a billion
  68. milion, -i, ë == un million == a million
  69. modë, -a == une mode == fashion
  70. mur, -i, -e == un mur == a wall
  71. muzë, -u - == un musée == a museum
  72. natyrë, -a == une nature == a nature
  73. oriz, -i == riz == rice
  74. paketë, -a, -a == un paquet == a package
  75. park, -u, -qe == un parc == a park
  76. pasion, -i, -e == une passion == a passion
  77. peizazh, -i, -e == un paysage == a scenery
  78. periudhë, -a, -a == une période == a period, time
  79. person, -i, -a == une personne == a person
  80. personalitet, -i, -e == une personnalité == a personality
  81. përqindje, -a, -e == un pourcentage == a percentage
  82. pishinë, -a, -a == une piscine == a swimming pool
  83. pistë, -a, -a == une piste == lane, floor
  84. pjesë, -a, -e == une pièce == a piece
  85. plazh, -i, -e == une plage == a beach
  86. portë, -a, -a == une porte == a gate
  87. pozicion, -i, -e == une position == a position
  88. prezantim == présentation == presentation
  89. principatë, -a, -a == une principauté == a principality, princedom
  90. prozë, -a, -a == une prose == a prose
  91. pulë, -a, -a == un poulet == a chicken
  92. qershi, -a, - == une cerise == a cherry
  93. qiell, -lli, -j == le ciel == the sky.
  94. recepsioniste, -ja, -e == une réceptionniste == a receptionist (fem.)
  95. rezultat, -i, -e == un résultat == a result
  96. rigon, -i == origan == oregano
  97. rol, -i, -e == un rôle == a role
  98. roman, -i, -e == un roman == a novel
  99. sallë, -a, -a == une salle == lobby, auditorium, room
  100. sandale, -ja, -e == une sandale == a sandal
  101. seri, -a, - == une série == a series
  102. shans, -i, -e == une chance == a chance
  103. shef, -i, -a == le chef == a chef, a chief, a boss
  104. shifër, -ra, -ra == un chiffre == a figure, cipher
  105. shofer, -i, -ë == un chauffeur == a driver
  106. shurup, -i, -e == un sirop == a syrup
  107. sistem, -i, -ë == un système == a system
  108. strateg, -u, -ë == un stratège == a strategist
  109. strategjik, -e == stratégique == strategic
  110. studio, -ja, - == un studio == a studio
  111. supë, -a, -a == une soupe == a soup
  112. suvenir, -i, -e == un souvenir == a souvenir
  113. tabelë, -a, -a == une table == (black)board
  114. tarracë, -a, -a == une terrasse == a terrace
  115. teatër, -ri, -ro - un théâtre - a theatre
  116. teatralë, -e == théâtral == theatrical
  117. teknik, -e == technique == technical
  118. teknologji, -a, - == une technologie == a technology
  119. temperaturë, -a, -a == une température == a temperature
  120. transfertë, -a, -a == un transfert == a transfer, transaction
  121. i,e trishtuar - triste - sad
  122. temë, -a, -a == un thème == a theme, topic
  123. tension, -i == une tension (artérielle) == blood pressure
  124. traditë, -a, -a == une tradition == a tradition
  125. trupë, -a, -a == une troupe == a troupe, company, band
  126. universitet, -i, -e == une université == an university
  127. valixhe, -ja, -e == une valise == a suitcase, baggage
  128. vegjetal, -e == végétal == vegetable (adj.)
  129. verandë, -a, -a == une véranda == a terrace, veranda
  130. vitrinë, -a, -a == une vitrine == a shop window
  131. vizë, -a, -a == un visa == a visa
  132. vizitë, -a, -a == une visite == a visit
  133. vizitor, -i, -ë == un visiteur == a visitor
  134. vlerë, -a, -a == une valeur == a value

Loan words for Italian speakers

  1. antipastë, -a, -a == un antipasto == an antipasti
  2. argjend, -i == argento == silver
  3. autobus, -i, -ë == un autobus == a bus
  4. ballkon, -i, -e == un balcone == a balcony
  5. biçikletë, -a, -a == una bicicletta == a bicycle
  6. birrë, -a, -a == una birra == a beer
  7. biskotë, -a, -a == un biscotto == a biscuit
  8. bizele, -ja, -e == un pisello == a bean
  9. çokolatë, -a, -a == una cioccolata == a chocolate
  10. divan, -i, -e == un divano == a sofa, a couch
  11. fitore, -ja, -e == una vittoria == a victory
  12. forum, -i, -e == un forum == a forum
  13. i,e fortë == forte == strong
  14. i,e freskët == fresco == fresh
  15. freskues, -e == rinfrescante == refreshing
  16. garazh, -i, -e == un garage == a garage
  17. gjigand, -i, -ë == un gigante == a giant
  18. gjykatës, -i, - == un giudice == a judge
  19. gusht, -i == agosto == August
  20. higjenë, -a == igiene == hygiene
  21. kakao, -ja, - == un cacao == a cocoa
  22. kallamar, -i, -ë == un calamaro == a calamari
  23. kamarier, -i, -ë == un camriere == a waiter
  24. kamion, -i, -e == un camion == a truck
  25. kapelë, -a, -a == un cappello == a cap (hat)
  26. kapitull, -lli, -j == un capitolo == a chapter
  27. kështjellë, -a, -a == un castello == a castle
  28. klime, -a, -a == un clima == a climate
  29. krap,- i, krep == una carpa == a carp
  30. klimë, -a, -a == un clima == a climate
  31. konkurrencë, -a == concorrenza == a competition
  32. konkurrent, -i, -ë == un concorrente == a competitor
  33. libër, -ri, -ra == un libro == a book
  34. limon, -i, -ë == un limone == a lemon
  35. makinë, -a, -a == una macchina == a car
  36. mit, -i, -e == un mito == a myth
  37. mobilje, -a, -e == un mobile == furniture
  38. nip, -i, -a == un nipote == a cousin
  39. orë, -a, -ë == un'ora == an hour (or a clock)
  40. origjinë, -a, -a == un'orignine == an origin
  41. pacient, -i, -ë == un paziente == a patient (male)
  42. paqe, -ja == pace == peace
  43. papagall, -lli, -j == un pappagallo == a parrot
  44. pantallona, -t == un pantalone == pants
  45. patate, -ja, -e == una patata == a potato
  46. patatinë, -a, -a == patatine == potato chips
  47. peshk, -u, peshq == un pesce == a fish
  48. peshkatar, -i, -ë == un pescatore == a fisherman
  49. për == per == for, about
  50. peshë, -a, -a == peso == weight
  51. picë, -a, -a == una pizza == a pizza
  52. pikant, -i, -ë == piccante == spicy
  53. piktor, -i, -ë == un pittore == a painter
  54. pjatë, -a, -a == un piatto == a plate, a dish, a course (food)
  55. proshutë, -a, -a == un prosciutto == a ham (also means bacon)
  56. salcë, -ë, -a == una salsa == a sauce
  57. salsiçise, -ja, -e == una salsiccia == a sausage
  58. sallatë, -a, -a == un'insalata == a salad
  59. siguri, -a, - == una sicurezza == a security
  60. skuadër, -ra, -ra == una squadra == a team
  61. stilograf, -i, -ë == una penna stilografica == a fountain pen
  62. tendencë, -a, -a == una tendenza == a tendency, trend
  63. titull, -lli, -j == un titolo == a title
  64. tortë, -a, -a == una torta == a cake
  65. tradicional, -e == tradizionale == traditional
  66. tren, -i, -a == un treno == a train
  67. vazo, -ja, - == un vaso == a vaze
  68. vilë, -a, -a == una villa == a villa

Loan words for English speakers

  1. administrativ, -e == administrative
  2. admirim, -i == admiration
  3. aeroplan, -i, -ë == an airplane
  4. aeroport, -i, -e == an airport
  5. akademi, -a, - == an academy
  6. aksident, -i, -e == an accident
  7. aktiv, -e == active
  8. aktivitet, -i, -e == an activity
  9. aktor, -i, -ë == an actor
  10. aleancë, -a, -a == an alliance
  11. amerikan, -i, -ë == an American
  12. amfiteatër, -ri, -ro == an amphitheater
  13. antik, -e == antique
  14. antikitet, -i == antiquity
  15. antologji == an anthology
  16. apartament, -i, -e == an apartment
  17. arkeolog, -u, -ë == an archaeologist
  18. arkeologjik, -e == archaeological
  19. arkitekturor, -e == architectural
  20. aromë, -a, -a == an aroma
  21. artikull, -lli, -j == an article
  22. artist, -i, -ë == an artist
  23. artistik, -e == artistic
  24. atmosferë, -a, -a == an atmosphere
  25. audiencë, -a, -a == an audience
  26. autoritet, -i, -ë == an authority
  27. balet, -i, -e == a ballet
  28. banane, -ia, -e == a banana
  29. bankë, -a, -a == a bank
  30. banknotë, -a, -a == a banknote
  31. basketboll, -i == basketball
  32. basketbollist, -i, -ë == a baskeball player
  33. bazë, -ë, -a == a base
  34. blu == blue
  35. botanik, -e == botanical
  36. brokoli == broccoli
  37. celular, -e == cellular
  38. ceremoni, -a, - == a ceremony
  39. çek, -ku, -qe == a check (payment instrument)
  40. datë, -a, -a == a date (time)
  41. datoj == to date (time)
  42. debat, -i, -e == a debate
  43. dentar, -e == dental
  44. dentist, -i, -ë == a dentist
  45. derë, -a, dyer == a door
  46. deshirë, -a, -a == a desire
  47. deshiroj == to desire
  48. dialekt, -i, -e == a dialect
  49. dietë, -a, -a == a diet
  50. diplomat, -i, -ë == a diplomat
  51. diskutoj == to discuss
  52. dixhital == digital
  53. dizanoj == to design
  54. dokument, -i, -e == a document
  55. dokumentar, -i, -ë == a documentary
  56. domate, -ja, -e == a tomato
  57. edukatë, -a == an education
  58. egoist, -i, -ë == an egoist
  59. ekonomi, -a == economics
  60. ekonomik, -e == economical
  61. ekonomist, -i, -ë == an economist
  62. ekskursion, -i, -e == an excursion
  63. ekzekutues, -e == executive
  64. elegant, -e == elegant
  65. elektricitet, -i == electricity
  66. elektronik, -e == electronic
  67. estetik, -e == aesthetic
  68. i famshëm, e famshme == famous
  69. fazë, -a, -a == a phase
  70. firmë, -a, -a == a firm (business)
  71. fakt, -i, -e == a fact
  72. fanellë, -a, -a == a flannel shirt, undershirt
  73. i favorishëm, e -me == favourable
  74. festival, -i, -e == a festival
  75. filëte, -a, -a == a fillet
  76. film, -i, -a == a film
  77. financier, -i, -ë == a finacier
  78. formë, -a, -a == a form, shape (paper or digital form is formular)
  79. formoj == to form
  80. fotografi, -a, - == a photograph
  81. frutë, -a, -a == a fruit
  82. furnizim, -i, -e == furnishing, supplies
  83. futboll, -i == football (soccer)
  84. galeri, -a, - == a gallery
  85. gjerman, -i, -ë == German (nationality)
  86. gjerman, -e == German (adj.)
  87. gradë, -a, -a == a grade, quality
  88. gjimnastikor, -i == gymnastic (adj.)
  89. grup, -i, -e == a group
  90. hamburger, -i, -ë == a hamburger
  91. harmonik, -e == harmonic
  92. hero, -i, -nj == a hero
  93. historik, -e == historical
  94. holl, -i, -e == a hall
  95. hotel, -i, -e == a hotel
  96. identifikim, -i, -e == an identification
  97. ikonografik, -e == iconographic
  98. imejl == email (also postë elektronike, email or e-mail)
  99. individual, -e == individual (adj.)
  100. infeksion, -i, -e == an infection
  101. informativ, -e == informative
  102. instrument, -i, -e == an instrument
  103. intensivisht == intensively
  104. intergritet == integrity
  105. interes, -i, -a == an interest
  106. internet, -i == the Internet
  107. interpretim, -i, -e == an interpretation
  108. interpretoj == to interpret
  109. Itali, -a == Italy
  110. italian, -e == Italian (adj.)
  111. italian, -i, -ë == Italian (nationality
  112. itinerar, -i, -e == an itinerary
  113. janar, -i == January
  114. ju == you
  115. kamp, -i, -e == a a camp
  116. katalog, -u, -ë == a catalogue
  117. katastrofë, -a, -a == a catastrophe
  118. kategori, -a, - == a category
  119. kështjellë, -a, -a == a castle, fortress
  120. kilogram, -i, -ë == a kilogram
  121. kilometër, -ri, -ra == a kilometer
  122. kivi == a kiwi (fruit)
  123. klinikë, -a, -a == a clinic
  124. klub, -i, -e == a club
  125. kopjoj == to copy
  126. kolesterol, -i == a cholesterol
  127. kombinim, -i, -e == a combination
  128. kompani, -a, - == a company
  129. kompjuter, -i, -a == a computer
  130. kompresë, -a, -a == a compress
  131. komunitet, -i, -e == a community
  132. konferencë, -a, -a == a conference
  133. konfirmoj == to confirm
  134. konfuzion, -i, -e == a confusion
  135. konfirmim, -i, -e == a confirmation
  136. kongres, -i, -e == a congress
  137. konsideroj == to consider
  138. konsull, -lli, -j == a consul
  139. kupë, -a, -a == a cup
  140. letër, -ra, -ra == a letter, a card
  141. lider == a leader
  142. menaxher, -i, -ë == a manager
  143. mineral == mineral
  144. muzikë, -a == music
  145. oksigjen, -i, -e == oxygen
  146. pako, -ja, - == a pack, packet, parcel
  147. park, -ku, -qe == a park
  148. periudhë, -a, -a == a period
  149. ping-pong == ping-pong, table tennis
  150. piper, -i == pepper (table spice)
  151. pjek == to bake
  152. plan, -i, -e == a plan
  153. poet, -i, -ë == a poet
  154. polifoni, -a, - == a polyphony
  155. popullor, -e == popular
  156. porcelan, -i == porcelain
  157. postë, -a, -a == mail, post office post
  158. prill, -i == April
  159. qendër, -a, -a == a center
  160. radio, -ja, - == a radio
  161. recital, -i, -e == a recital
  162. restorant, -i, -e == a restaurant
  163. reumatizëm, -mi, -ma == rheumatism
  164. i,e saktë == exact
  165. sandale == sandals
  166. sanduiç, -i, -ë == a sandwich
  167. sekret, -i, -e == a secret
  168. sekretar, -i, -ë == a secretary
  169. sekt, -i, -e == a sect
  170. semestër, -ri, -ra == a semester
  171. seminar, -i, -e == a seminar
  172. sezon, -i, -e == a season
  173. shkollë, -a, -a == a school
  174. shtet, -i, -e == a state, country
  175. simbolik, -e == symbolic, very cheap
  176. simptomë, -a, -a == a symptom
  177. sinjal, -i, -e == a signal
  178. i,e sinqertë == sincere
  179. situatë, -a, -a == a situation, condition
  180. social, -e == social
  181. solemn, -e == solemn, gala
  182. specifikë, -a, -a == a specific feature
  183. spektakël, -li, -le == a spectacle
  184. spektator, -i, -ë == a spectator
  185. spinaq, -i == spinach
  186. spital, -i, -e == a hospital
  187. sporadik, -e == sporadic
  188. statut, -i, -e == a statute
  189. sukses, -i, -e == success
  190. stomak, -u, -ë == a stomach
  191. stres, -i == stress
  192. studioj == to study
  193. taksi, -a, - == a taxi
  194. tekst, -i, -e == a text
  195. telefon, -i, -a == a telephone
  196. telefon celular == a cell phone
  197. tempull, -lli, -j == a temple
  198. transferim, -i, -e == a transfer
  199. turist, -i, -ë == a tourist
  200. turistik, -e == touristic
  201. vaksinë, -a, -a == a vaccine
  202. vanilje, -a == vanilla
  203. variant, -i, -e == a variant, variation
  204. vëllim, -i, -e == volume
  205. vitaminë, -a, -a == a vitamin
  206. vizitoj == to visit
  207. volejboll, -i == volleyball
  208. xhaketë, -a, -a == a jacket
  209. xhinse == jeans, denim
  210. zero == zero
  211. zonë, -a, -a == zone, area, region

Loan words for Swedish speakers / Lån ord för svensktalande

  1. fabrikë == en fabrik - a factory
  2. konkurrencë == en konkurrens - competition (market)
  3. natë, -e, net == en natt - a night.
  4. provë, -a, -a == ett prov == a test, experiment, fitting
  5. provoj == prova == to try
  6. radhë -a, -ë == en rad == a row
  7. shkumë == en skum == a foam

Loan words for Russian speakers

  1. banjë, -a, -a == ванная == bathroom
  2. bankomat, -i, -e == Банкомат == an ATM
  3. çaj, -i == чай == tea
  4. diabet, -i == диабет == diabetes
  5. gazetë, -a,- a == газета == a newspaper
  6. jug == юг == south
  7. kukull, -a, -a == кукла == a doll
  8. pallto, -ja, - == пальто == a coat
  9. shah, -u == шах == chess
  10. televizor, -i, -ë == телевизор == television set
  11. ti == ты == you (singular)

Loan words for Turkish speakers

  1. bakllava, -ja, - == baklava == baklava
  2. byrek, -u, -ë == börek == a savory pie
  3. hamam == hamam == Turkish bath
  4. kolltuk, -u, kolltuqe == koltuk == armchair, seat
  5. osman, -e == Osmanlı == ottoman
  6. sulltan, -i, -ë == sultan == a sultan
  7. sheqer, -i == şeker == sugar
  8. shishe, -ja, -e == şişe == a bottle
  9. shisqebap, -i, -e == şiş kebap == shish kebab

Loan words for German speakers

  • mensë, -a, -a == die Mensa == a school cafeteria, a cantine

Loan words for Latin speakers

  1. e mërkurë, -a, -a == Mercurii == Wednesday
  2. monedhë, -a, -a == monetæ == coin, coinage, small change

Loan words for Spanish speakers

  1. telenovelë, -a, -a == una telenovela == a soap opera

False friends

  1. i,e habitur == surprised, astonished
  2. konvikt, -i, -e == a dormitory
  3. koran, -i, -ë == a trout
  4. verdhë == yellow

Resources for learning Albanian

Books for learning Albanian

  • Colloquial Albanian (2012) is an excellent book for anglophones by Linda Mëniku and Héctor Campos. It is concise and well organized. The learning curve gets steeper towards the end. Routledge, the publisher has kindly made audio for all text passages downloadable for free from the book's homepage. As of 2018 the vocabulary of this excellent book have not yet been made to a memrise. A previous edition in the same Colloquial series from the early 90's does have a memrise of the vocabulary.
  • Discovering Albanian 1 (2011) is also by Linda Mëniku and Héctor Campos and it consists of a textbook and workbook. As of 2018 there is no Discovering Albanian 2. The audio for the textbook can be accessed only via 2 CD's. Who has CD-players these days? Let's hope The University of Wisconsin Press wakes up and provides streaming and download at no extra charge.

Albanian radio

  • There are various streaming apps available in the app stores.
  • Live Online Radio is a radio streaming service for the web. It has one of the largest selections of Albanian radios.
  • Radio.garden has a beautiful user interface where you tune into radios by spinning a globe to the desired location of transmission.

Albanian TV

  • https://albanian.tv/ offers streaming of many of the popular Albanian TV channels. It often works but occasionally the streams have trouble playing out without intermittent interruptions.
  • The RTSH Tani app is available for Android and iOS Apple phones. With the app you can access all the channels broadcast by RTSH including RTSH Film. The app does not have ads (excellent) whereas the RTSH channels do have ads. RTSH Tani app also features a VOD archive where you can watch recent programs up-to-2-days into the broadcasting history and a handy integrated EPG.

Films with Albanian subtitles

  • These you can find on Youtube by searching for 'filma me titra shqip'. Watching movies spoken in a language you understand while reading the subtitles in the language you want to learn is an excellent way to learn and refresh in a low-effort manner.
  • There are also Albanian films. These are unfortunately not subtitled and the speech is often really rapid. French do subtitle some of their own films on TV5MONDE to aid the non-natives tackle the 5 words per second pace.

Wiki literature

  • Wikibooks.org, Albanian version may be useful after you have gained the basics. Reading wikibooks of subjects and fields you already know may fast-forward your ability to read some text.
  • Albanian Wikipedia Same advice, select subjects this way you have a clear idea of what it is likely to say. Wikipedia writing is less predictable than a textbook.

Online texts

  • Foreign Services Institute (FSI) (1965) .pdf book on Albanian. From this I can recommend the history introduction of this text aimed mostly for US armed forces personel though naturally the FSI's work helps also non-military government workers to gain knowledge too. Albanian language has changed so much since 1965 that this cannot really be used to learn contemporary albanian but the intro is good if you are a history and culture puff.

Learning games

  • https://memrise.com is a spaced repetition flashcard and beyond language learning game and it has various memrises of varying quality. Memrise programs your brain slightly differently than traditional methods of vocabulary acquisition.
  • Basic Albanian 1 (~170 things to learn) and
  • Basic Albanian 2 (~210 things to learn) are of high quality, simple intros to the basic building blocks made by BaaS, an apparent memrise genius if you look at his productivity, scope and quality of his work.
  • (No typing) Albanian Menu (~110 things to learn). " For people intending to travel to Albania this memrise obviously highly recommendable as we all gotta eat. No typing"-courses are fun because they are faster to play so you also get points faster.
  • Discovering Albanian 1 (~1800 things to learn) a professional quality memrise based on the vocabulary lists of the book of the same name. This memrise contains audio in high quality, consistency and precision for practically all words and phrases to be learned. This memrise has over 1800 things to learn so it is the biggest available. The makers of this memrise have used sensible notation: For nouns indefinite and definite singular and indefinite plural are given etc. etc.
  • Albanian Verbs (~480 things to learn). Teaches you the 1st person singular form of verbs (Albanian has no infinitives) with the exception of "to be" and "to have" where all present tense forms are taught in the last level.