
< User:Jukeboksi
Revision as of 15:39, 3 December 2022 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (+ Upgrade to the new MediaWiki 1.39 LTS done + backupping + View mw:Release notes/1.39 for information on what is new)


Saturday 2022-12-03

Upgrade to the new MediaWiki 1.39 LTS done, making backups

Upgrade to the new LTS 1.39 seems to have been successful. Going to make backups and take a snapshot now. View mw:Release notes/1.39 for information on what is new.

Friday 2022-12-02

Made and verified backups and took a snapshot in prepartion for upgrading to the new LTS

The new LTS (1.39) came out two nights ago. Making backups and taking a snapshot in preparation for upgrades.


Monday 2022-11-14

Made and verified backups

Made and verified backups.

Saturday 2022-11-05

Made and verified backups

Made and verified backups and took an interim snapshot


Sunday 2022-10-23

Upgraded the wiki

Upgraded the wiki to 1.35.8, made and verified backups and took a snapshot of the system disk. The next LTS, 1.39 should be arriving in November 2022 and looking forward to upgrade to that when it becomes available. Jukeboksi (talk) 22:34, 23 October 2022 (CEST)

Saturday 2022-10-20

Made and verified backups and took a snapshot of the system disk.


Friday 2022-09-30

Made and verified backups. Taking a snapshot next in preparation of upgrading this MediaWiki to the newest LTS maintenance release and commencing upgrading with the lower importance wikis.

Monday 2022-09-19

Made and verified backups and took some snapshots. This was due anyways and upgrading a diaspora* pod to next, though this is not necessary as the fixed bug does not affect the diaspora* pod I keep since 2013.


Wednesday 2022-08-24

  • Made and verified backups.

Tuesday 2022-08-02

  • Made and verified backups and took a snapshot of the system disks. This coincided with upgrading the diaspora* free social media pod to version


Wednesday 2022-07-20

Made and verified backups

Saturday 2022-07-02

Upgrading MediaWiki done

  • Took a snapshot of the system disks, upgraded all the 8 MediaWikis to the latest version in the 1.35 LTS-branch. Made, stashed and verified backups afterwards and going to take a snapshot of the systems now. Jukeboksi (talk) 15:46, 2 July 2022 (CEST)

Friday 2022-07-01

Made and verified backups

  • Backups and verification done on Friday 2022-07-01


Tuesday 2022-06-14

Made and verified backups and took an interim snapshot

  • All done


Monday 2022-05-30

Making and verifying backups after resolving a thumbnailing problem on one wiki

Wednesday 2022-05-25

Made and verified backups

  • Done, also taking a snapshot

Tuesday 2022-05-24

Made and verified backups

  • Done, also taking a snapshot

Saturday 2022-05-14

Made and verified backups


Friday 2022-05-06

Made and verified backups



Wednesday 2022-04-27

Made and verified backups

Additionally took an interim snapshot of the system disk. diaspora* was upgraded to

Friday 2022-04-08

Made and verified backups

Done. I'm thinking of improving the backupping system in a few ways.

Friday 2022-04-01

Upgraded MediaWiki to 1.35.6

  • Upgrade complete. No downtime. Going to snapshot the system disk and make new backups.

Made and verified backups in preparation for upgrade

Made and verified backups in preparation for upgrade of the MediaWikis. Going to snapshot the system disk now and then move on to upgrading the wikis. Negligible downtime of services expected.


Saturday 2022-03-26

Took an interim snapshot of the system disk

Wednesday 2022-03-23

  • Made, verified and stashed backups.

Tuesday 2022-03-08

Made, verified and stashed backups and took an interim snapshot



Monday 2022-02-21

Made and verified backups and took a snapshot


Sunday 2022-02-13

Made and verified backups and took a snapshot

  • Preparing to upgrade the diaspora* pod to very shortly. Made backups of all servers to coincide.


Wednesday 2022-01-26

Made, verified and stashed backups and took an interim snapshot


Tuesday 2021-01-18

Made, verified and stashed backups and took an interim snapshot


Saturday 2022-01-08

Made, verified and stashed backups

Progress in SSFWIKI

Recently added new articles to the SSFWIKI:

  2. ssfwiki:Against synthetic human-like fakes (split from ssfwiki:Synthetic human-like fakes) and
  3. ssfwiki:Help against appearance and voice theft (just a stub).

Also content and explanatory additions, structural improvements and other improvements to other articles have been made, like

  1. Renaming the biblical stuff article to ssfwiki:Biblical connection - Revelation 13 and Daniel 7 which is truer to its scope and
  2. Renaming the legal stuff article to ssfwiki:Laws against synthetic filth.

Monday 2022-01-03

Made and verified backups

  • Done.

Wiki log for 2021