Language skills

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Accounting, math, analysis, law, finance theory

w:Analysis builds on w:accounting. w:Finance builds on analysis. Ability to do w:Fundamental analysis is a serious indogenous hard skill of the global professional. Ability to fluently read w:Financial statements is the bread & butter of w:analysts ♪ ♫ all over the w:World ♪ ♫ ♫ ...

Procurement, purchasing, sourcing, logistics

Sail - Steamship (S/S) ( approx. 1770 - early 1900's ) - Motor Ship ( M/S) - w:Containerization ( 1960's) - LNG powered ships ( 2010's )

Customer interface, distribution, customer relationship management, marketing

w:Marketing mix aka. "The 4 p's" ( w:Product, w:Price, w:Place and w:Promotion ) is a timeless classic of w:Marketing.

  1. ) Product - What is it ( the product ). How does it fill a need with the consumer ?
  2. ) Price - How much ?
  3. ) Place - Where from ? Order online in one of millions of webshoppes, specialist boutique, hypermarket,  ?
  4. ) Promotion - Advertising, PR but also promotional portion that is clearly done by those in a purely sales by function description.

Advertising has two roles:

  • Keep the consumers informed of prices and offerings
  • To do brand enhancement and post-sales brand image reinforcement


Management, project management, human management, business management

Markets, banking, finance and investments

w:The Stock Exchange (book) written by w:Max Weber in 1894-1896 in what is now w:Germany at under 100 pages it was originally published as a 2-part informational leaflets for workers suspicious and out-of-the-loop in of the ways of the bourses it remains to this date a very relevant and almost essential read should you want begin to understand the flavours of modern w:investment.

Market slang contains a lot of synonyms and words with overlapping meanings ( e.g. capital, equity, shares, stock, investments, holdings, assets etc. almost used interchangeably ) and could be argued that this is done intentionally to render investorspeak non-understandable for the non-investor. Like all cliques and guilds ( lawyers, doctrors etc. ) develop language to make their trade harder for others ( outsiders ) to understand.


* Business Economics

  • Micro & Macro
  • w:Supply & w:demand
  • Equilibriums, optimums and partial optimums
  • Duoptimums, Pareto perfectness
  • Mindless barrage of 2-D two variable linear curve thingies

Useful & good to know stuff and services

Language tools


Learn legal Finnish with translations




  • Library of The Parliament of Finland is situated in the "Postitalo" right at the core of Helsinki (map). In addition to having all laws and all regulations legistlated by the parliament, they offer wide variety of weekly and monthly magazines from all over the world. Free entry.