Marketing: Difference between revisions

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{{Q|'''[[w:Experience design|Experience design]]''' ('''XD''') is the practice of [[w:design|design]]ing products, processes, services, events, and environments with a focus placed on the quality of the [[w:user experience|user experience]] and culturally relevant solutions.<ref>{{cite book|last=Aarts|first=Emile H. L.|author2=Stefano Marzano|title=The New Everyday: Views on Ambient Intelligence|publisher=010 Publishers|year=2003|isbn=978-90-6450-502-7|page=46}}</ref>|Wikipedia|[[w:experience design|experience design]]}}

{{Q|In its commercial context, '''[[w:experience design|experience design]]''' is driven by consideration of the moments of engagement, or [[w:touchpoint|touchpoint]]s, between people and brands, and the [[w:idea|idea]]s, [[w:emotions|emotions]], and [[w:memories|memories]] that these moments create.|Wikipedia|[[w:Experience_design#Commercial_context|experience design in the commercial context]]}}
{{Q|In its commercial context, '''[[w:experience design|experience design]]''' is driven by consideration of the moments of engagement, or [[w:touchpoint|touchpoint]]s, between people and brands, and the [[w:idea|idea]]s, [[w:emotions|emotions]], and [[w:memories|memories]] that these moments create.|Wikipedia|[[w:Experience_design#Commercial_context|experience design in the commercial context]]}}

* A '''[[w:Touchpoint|Touchpoint]]''' (contact point, customer contact, Moment of Truth, point of contact) describes the interface of a [[w:product (business)|product]], [[w:Service (economics)|service]] or [[w:brand|brand]] with [[w:customer|customer]]s/users, non-customers, employees and other [[w:stakeholder (corporate)|stakeholders]], before, during and after a transaction. This may be applied in [[w:business-to-business|business-to-business]] as well as [[w:business-to-consumer|business-to-consumer]] environments. ( Wikipedia )
* A '''[[w:Touchpoint|Touchpoint]]''' (contact point, customer contact, Moment of Truth, point of contact) describes the interface of a [[w:product (business)|product]], [[w:Service (economics)|service]] or [[w:brand|brand]] with [[w:customer|customer]]s/users, non-customers, employees and other [[w:stakeholder (corporate)|stakeholders]], before, during and after a transaction. This may be applied in [[w:business-to-business|business-to-business]] as well as [[w:business-to-consumer|business-to-consumer]] environments. ( Wikipedia )
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::It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified [[w:Contentment|satisfaction]] goals."<ref name=Marketing_Metrics>Farris, Paul W.; Neil T. Bendle; Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein (2010). ''Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance.'' Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 0-13-705829-2.</ref> ( Wikipedia )
::It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified [[w:Contentment|satisfaction]] goals."<ref name=Marketing_Metrics>Farris, Paul W.; Neil T. Bendle; Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein (2010). ''Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance.'' Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 0-13-705829-2.</ref> ( Wikipedia )

* '''[[w:Customer satisfaction research|Customer satisfaction research]]''' is that area of [[w:marketing research|marketing research]] which focuses on customers' perceptions with their shopping or purchase [[w:experience|experience]]. ( Wikipedia )
::* '''[[w:Customer satisfaction research|Customer satisfaction research]]''' is that area of [[w:marketing research|marketing research]] which focuses on customers' perceptions with their shopping or purchase [[w:experience|experience]]. ( Wikipedia )

* '''[[w:Customer experience transformation|Customer experience transformation]]''' (CxT) is a strategy that uses [[w:business process management]] to enhance [[w:customer service|customer service]] experience from any [[w:customer|customer]] [[w:touchpoint|touchpoint]]. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:Customer experience transformation|Customer experience transformation]]''' (CxT) is a strategy that uses [[w:business process management]] to enhance [[w:customer service|customer service]] experience from any [[w:customer|customer]] [[w:touchpoint|touchpoint]]. ( Wikipedia )

==== Successful Event - Presentation on customer experience management - Technological solutions ====
==== Successful Event - Presentation on customer experience management - Technological solutions ====