Natural therapeutics

Revision as of 13:12, 13 June 2017 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (noting that the cannabinoids that via w:apoptosis cause the cancer cells to kill themselves are harmless to healthy cells with cannabinoid receptors)

Internet is rife with stories about winning the battle against cancer with the help of exocannabinoids.

What does the science say?

  1. Anti-proliferative - cannabis is against tumor growth
  2. Anti-metastatic - cannabis is against cancer spreading to other parts in the body because of metastatic activity
  3. Anti-angiogenetic - cannabis is against new blood vein growth to tumor
  4. Apoptotic - cannabis causes cancer cells to programmedly kill themselves (apoptosis). Cannabinoids are however harmless to healthy cannabinoid receptor containing cells.