Automatic Basic Income

Revision as of 11:48, 4 December 2019 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (+ Addressing the need for tax reform + 'International community agrees on a road map for resolving the tax challenges arising from digitalisation of the economy' at

Automatic Basic Income (ABI) will be a necessity for the survival of humanity and the planet. Some call this UBI, where the 'U' stands for either "Universal" or "Unconditional", depending on who you ask.


Possible sources of money for ABI

  • Our automation wealth in the w:free software stack, which causes falling costs for companies and societies and more services for less money
  • Improved taxation e.g. the new model proposed by the w:OECD
  • w:Helicopter money i.e. central bank stimulating economy by printing money and giving it to the reservoir to pay for ABI

Addressing the need for tax reform

Money reform plans