Page history
24 April 2020
14 March 2020
+ This article was moved to my userspace in the development wiki on 2020-03-13 + link
+ This article was moved to my userspace in the development wiki on 2020-03-13 + link
27 November 2019
12 September 2019
→R: + racional, -e == rational
→D: + dekret, -i, -e == a decree
→K: + kontrast, -i, -e == a contrast
→P: + propagandë, -a, -a == a propaganda
→K: + kompromis, -i, -e == a compromise
→E: + elektoral, -e == electoral
→M: + masiv, -e == massive
→H: + horizont, -i, -e == a horizon
→K: + konsistent, -e == consistent
→Loan words for French speakers: + imazh, -i, -e == une image == an image
→H: + heroizëm, -zmi, -zma == a heroism
→S: + simpati, -a, - == a sympathy
→P: + paradë, -a, -a == a parade
→T: + tank, -i, -e == a tank
→R: + rural, -e == rural
→L: + luxoz, -e == luxurious
→D: + denoncoj == to denounce
→P: + paradoks, -i, -e == a paradox + paradoksal, -e == paradoxal
→S: + skandaloz, -e == scandalous
→S: + skandal, -i, -e == a scandal
→P: + precedent, -i, -ë == a precendent
→R: + referohem == to refer
→N: + neglizhoj == to neglect
→K: + komplotoj == to complot
→A: + akuzë, -a, -a == an accusation
→A: + agoni, -a == an agony
→A: + anormal, -e == anormal
→P: + pozicionim, -i, -e == a positioning
→P: + pretendoj == to pretend
→G: + gjenocid, -i, -e == a genocide
→A: + autentik, -e == authentic
→K: + kultivim, -i, -e == a cultivation + kultivoj == to cultivate
→S: + strukturë, -a, -a == a structure
→O: + operacion, -i, -e == an operation
→I: + + implikoj == to imply
20 August 2019
17 February 2019
→K: + kon, -i, -e == a cone
→Loan words for Italian speakers: + ambient, -i, -e == un ambiente == an ambiance
→S: + sferë, -a, -a == a sphere
→K: + kontestoj, -ova, -uar == to contest
→D: + deklaratë, -a, -a == a declaration, a statement
→O: + oligarki, -, -të (?) == an oligarchy
→S: + simbiozë, -a, -a == a symbiosis
→D: + dinamik, -e == dynamic
→K: + kolateral, -i, -e == a collateral
→Loan words for French speakers: + hipotekë, -a, -a == une hypothèque == a mortgage