File list

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
20:09, 2 April 2020 Consumerium-banner.png (file) 43 KB Jukeboksi graphic 1
20:02, 2 April 2020 Stop-Synthetic-Filth-org-logo.png (file) 41 KB Jukeboksi   1
10:35, 30 September 2019 Trollboele.jpg (file) 494 KB Jukeboksi Trollböle-sign. Own photograph from the 10's 1
22:33, 27 March 2019 Wiki-study-hosted-on-renewables-only.png (file) 15 KB Jukeboksi Changed hosting provider to the Helsinki data center of Hetzner Online AG 2
14:38, 17 March 2019 WS-solid-150x150px.gif (file) 7 KB Jukeboksi logo 150x150px 1
14:13, 17 March 2019 WS-solid-100x100px.gif (file) 4 KB Jukeboksi logo 100x100px 1
13:45, 17 March 2019 WS-solid.gif (file) 55 KB Jukeboksi logo of sorts 1
17:44, 6 January 2019 Stock-vector-hemp-cbd-wellness-and-your-body-health-benefits-of-cannabidiol-cbd-from-cannabis-hemp-marijuana-1266680014.jpg (file) 770 KB Jukeboksi Photo credit: 1
17:42, 6 January 2019 Stock-vector-human-endocannabinoid-system-target-active-in-male-and-female-body-1237262152.jpg (file) 1.09 MB Jukeboksi Photo credit: 1
17:03, 6 September 2018 Albanian verbs - irregular - kam - to have.png (file) 151 KB Jukeboksi Present indicative, imperfect, simple past, present subjunctive, past participle and imperatives of irregular verb "kam" == "to have" 1
17:02, 6 September 2018 Albanian verbs - irregular - jam - to be.png (file) 135 KB Jukeboksi Present indicative, imperfect, simple past, present subjunctive, past participle and imperatives of irregular verb "jam" == "to be" 1
17:38, 31 July 2018 Albanian verbs - Class 6 - verbs ending in '(h)em'.png (file) 195 KB Jukeboksi Present tense, Imperfect, Simple Past, Subjunctive, Past participle and Imperative 1
17:38, 31 July 2018 Albanian verbs - Class 4 - three verbs ending in 'i'.png (file) 166 KB Jukeboksi Present tense, Imperfect, Simple Past, Subjunctive, Past participle and Imperative 1
17:37, 31 July 2018 Albanian verbs - Class 3 - ending in a vowel.png (file) 151 KB Jukeboksi Present tense, Imperfect, Simple Past, Subjunctive, Past participle and Imperative 1
17:37, 31 July 2018 Albanian verbs - Class 2 - ending in a consonant.png (file) 171 KB Jukeboksi Present tense, Imperfect, Simple Past, Subjunctive, Past participle and Imperative 1
17:09, 31 July 2018 Albanian verbs - Class 1 - ending with a j.png (file) 176 KB Jukeboksi Present tense, Imperfect, Simple Past, Subjunctive, Past participle and Imperative 1
19:18, 23 July 2018 Juho in the field.jpg (file) 45 KB Jukeboksi The first known photo on the Internetz of me, shot in 2002 in the University's test field 1
19:00, 23 July 2018 Jubo-ulkona-cropped.png (file) 822 KB Jukeboksi Picture of me in my neighborhood ca. 2015 1