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Please sign and share the petition 'Tighten regulation on taking, making and faking explicit images' at Change.org initiated by Helen Mort to the w:Law Commission (England and Wales) to properly update UK laws against synthetic filth. Only name and email required to support, no nationality requirement. See Current and possible laws and their application @ #SSF! wiki for more info on the struggle for laws to protect humans.

Wiki.study content has been moved to Wiki.study at Consumerium.org development wiki. The wiki.study domain will expired on 2020-09-11.

User:Jukeboksi: Difference between revisions

1,641 bytes removed ,  21 May 2014
comment6, <a href="http://ccctb.com/">cialis online cheap</a>, [url="http://ccctb.com/"]cialis online cheap[/url], http://ccctb.com/ cialis online cheap, 8-]]],
(comment6, <a href="http://rgpatentconsulting.com/">http://rgpatentconsulting.com/</a>, [url="http://rgpatentconsulting.com/"]http://rgpatentconsulting.com/[/url], http://rgpatentconsulting.com/ http:/)
(comment6, <a href="http://ccctb.com/">cialis online cheap</a>, [url="http://ccctb.com/"]cialis online cheap[/url], http://ccctb.com/ cialis online cheap, 8-]]],)
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comment6, <a href="http://rgpatentconsulting.com/">http://rgpatentconsulting.com/</a>, [url="http://rgpatentconsulting.com/"]http://rgpatentconsulting.com/[/url], http://rgpatentconsulting.com/ http://rgpatentconsulting.com/,  xyegxs,
comment6, <a href="http://rgpatentconsulting.com/">http://rgpatentconsulting.com/</a>, [url="http://rgpatentconsulting.com/"]http://rgpatentconsulting.com/[/url], http://rgpatentconsulting.com/ http://rgpatentconsulting.com/,  xyegxs,

== Cool collaboration tools: Etherpad and EtherCalc and cool sites==
comment6, <a href="http://ccctb.com/">cialis online cheap</a>, [url="http://ccctb.com/"]cialis online cheap[/url], http://ccctb.com/ cialis online cheap,  8-]]],
* https://pad.riseup.net and http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/ among others offer any amount of free [[w:Etherpad]]s, a system for collaboration of many people on a text document in realtime. Pads provided by riseup will self-destruct 30 days after last access.
* https://ethercalc.org/ - EtherCalc is a web spreadsheet.
* http://TheHungerSite.org - donate 1.1 cups of food by clicking once a day. Paid for by the advertisers and sponsors.
* http://WorldCommunityGrid.org - donate your spare CPU cycles to good use for various good causes at the cost of few watt-hours.
* [http://iki.fi The Internet Users Forever IKI] is a non-profit society which provides its members, private individuals in Finland, permanent '''''lifetime''''' iki.fi-addresses with e-mail and WWW forwarding (IKI does not host the web pages or offer internet services, it just forwards the addresses).This allows our members to keep the same personal identity should the actual location or ISP of their e-mail or www homepages change.
::[https://admin.iki.fi/perl/admin/new iki.fi Membership application ( only in Finnish )] ( costs 30€, the iki.fi association has never collected yearly payments from it's members all operations are funded by new people joining in )
::[https://admin.iki.fi/perl/admin/t=0/lahjakortti Gift vouchers are available here. This link opens a blanko ( non-valid ) gift voucher page. Hit the "Luo uusi lahjakortti"-button at the bottom of the page to create a valid one. Follow instructions given on-page in Finnish to pay the 30€ to iki.fi association bank account to make the gift voucher valid.]
::: Friendly / Curious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMrZSidHID4
:::Bullies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvfcnpJRf0Q ...
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