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Please sign and share the petition 'Tighten regulation on taking, making and faking explicit images' at Change.org initiated by Helen Mort to the w:Law Commission (England and Wales) to properly update UK laws against synthetic filth. Only name and email required to support, no nationality requirement. See Current and possible laws and their application @ #SSF! wiki for more info on the struggle for laws to protect humans.

Wiki.study content has been moved to Wiki.study at Consumerium.org development wiki. The wiki.study domain will expired on 2020-09-11.

Tracking categories

This page lists tracking categories which are automatically populated by the MediaWiki software. Their names can be changed by altering the relevant system messages in the MediaWiki namespace.

Tracking categoryMessage nameCategory inclusion criteria
Pages with broken file linksbroken-file-categoryThe page contains a broken file link (a link to embed a file when the file does not exist).
Pages using duplicate arguments in template callsduplicate-args-categoryThe page contains template calls that use duplicates of arguments, such as {{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} or {{foo|bar|1=baz}}.
Pages where expansion depth is exceededexpansion-depth-exceeded-categoryThe page exceeds the maximum expansion depth.
Pages with too many expensive parser function callsexpensive-parserfunction-categoryThe page uses too many expensive parser functions (like #ifexist). See Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit.
Hidden categorieshidden-category-categoryThe category contains __HIDDENCAT__ in its page content, which prevents it from showing up in the category links box on pages by default.
Indexed pagesindex-categoryThe page has a __INDEX__ on it (and is in a namespace where that flag is allowed), and hence is indexed by robots where it normally wouldn't be.
Pages where node count is exceedednode-count-exceeded-categoryThe page exceeds the maximum node count.
Noindexed pagesnoindex-categoryThe page is not indexed by robots because it has the magic word __NOINDEX__ on it and is in a namespace where that flag is allowed.
Pages with non-numeric formatnum argumentsnonnumeric-formatnumThe page contains a non-numeric argument to the formatnum parser function.
Pages containing omitted template argumentspost-expand-template-argument-categoryThe page is bigger than $wgMaxArticleSize after expanding a template argument (something in triple braces, like {{{Foo}}}).
Pages where template include size is exceededpost-expand-template-inclusion-categoryThe page size is bigger than $wgMaxArticleSize after expanding all the templates, so some templates were not expanded.
Pages with ignored display titlesrestricted-displaytitle-ignoredThe page has an ignored {{DISPLAYTITLE}} because it is not equivalent to the page's actual title.
Pages which use = as a templatetemplate-equals-categoryThe page contains {{=}} but on this wiki that does not expand to =. This usage is deprecated; a future MediaWiki version will implement {{=}} as a parser function.
Pages with template loopstemplate-loop-categoryThe page contains a template loop, ie. a template which calls itself recursively.
Pages where the unstrip depth limit is exceededunstrip-depth-categoryThe page exceeds the unstrip depth limit.
Pages where the unstrip size limit is exceededunstrip-size-categoryThe page exceeds the unstrip size limit.
Pages with invalid language codesbad-language-code-categoryThe page contains a {{#dir}} with an invalid language code.
Pages with image sizes containing extra pxdouble-px-categoryThe page contains an image whose size contains an extra px suffix, like 100pxpx.
Pages with reference errorscite-tracking-category-cite-errorPages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags.
Pages that use extended referencescite-tracking-category-ref-extendsPages in this category use the "extends" attribute of the <ref> tag.
Pages with syntax highlighting errorssyntaxhighlight-error-categoryThere was an error when attempting to highlight code included on the page.
Pages using deprecated enclose attributessyntaxhighlight-enclose-categoryThe syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated enclose syntax.
Pages using deprecated source tagssyntaxhighlight-source-categoryThe syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated source tags.
Pages using babel with named parametersbabel-template-params-categoryThe page passes a name=value parameter to the #babel parser function. The behavior of these parameters may change in the near future.
Pages with script errorsscribunto-common-error-categoryThere was an error when processing the modules included on the page.
Scribunto modules with errorsscribunto-module-with-errors-categoryThe module has an error in it.
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