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Please sign and share the petition 'Tighten regulation on taking, making and faking explicit images' at Change.org initiated by Helen Mort to the w:Law Commission (England and Wales) to properly update UK laws against synthetic filth. Only name and email required to support, no nationality requirement. See Current and possible laws and their application @ #SSF! wiki for more info on the struggle for laws to protect humans.

Wiki.study content has been moved to Wiki.study at Consumerium.org development wiki. The wiki.study domain will expired on 2020-09-11.

Template:Citation Style documentation/cs1

From Wikistudy.ByJuho.fi
Citation Style 1 templates
{{Cite arXiv}} arXiv preprint
{{Cite AV media}} audio and visual
{{Cite AV media notes}} audio and visual liner notes
{{Cite book}} books
{{Cite conference}} conference papers
{{Cite DVD notes}} DVD liner notes
{{Cite encyclopedia}} edited collections
{{Cite episode}} radio or television episodes
{{Cite interview}} interviews
{{Cite journal}} magazines, journals, academic papers
{{Cite mailing list}} public mailing lists
{{Cite map}} maps
{{Cite news}} news articles
{{Cite newsgroup}} online newsgroups
{{Cite podcast}} audio or video podcast
{{Cite press release}} press releases
{{Cite report}} reports
{{Cite serial}} audio or video serials
{{Cite sign}} signs, plaques
{{Cite speech}} speeches
{{Cite techreport}} technical reports
{{Cite thesis}} theses
{{Cite web}} web sources
Documentation icon Template documentation

See also

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