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Toolkit for Quantitative Surveys: Difference between revisions

definition of w:Cross tabulation and w:crosstab
(definition of w:Cross tabulation and w:crosstab)
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* A '''[[w:statistical hypothesis testing|statistical hypothesis test]]''' is a method of statistical inference using data from a [[w:scientific method|scientific study]]. In [[w:statistics|statistics]], a result is called [[w:statistically significant|statistically significant]] if it has been predicted as unlikely to have occurred by [[w:Luck|chance]] alone, according to a pre-determined threshold probability, the significance level. ( Wikipedia )
* A '''[[w:statistical hypothesis testing|statistical hypothesis test]]''' is a method of statistical inference using data from a [[w:scientific method|scientific study]]. In [[w:statistics|statistics]], a result is called [[w:statistically significant|statistically significant]] if it has been predicted as unlikely to have occurred by [[w:Luck|chance]] alone, according to a pre-determined threshold probability, the significance level. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:Cross tabulation|Cross tabulation]]''' (or '''crosstabs''' for short) is a [[w:statistics|statistical]] process that summarizes [[w:categorical data|categorical data]] to create a [[w:contingency table|contingency table]].
* A '''[[w:crosstab|crosstab]]''' is another name for a [[w:contingency table|contingency table]], which is a type of table created by [[w:Cross tabulation|crosstabulation]]. In survey research (e.g., polling, market research), a "crosstab" is any table showing [[w:summary statistic|summary statistic]]s. Commonly, crosstabs in survey research are concatenations of multiple different tables. For example, the crosstab below combines multiple contingency tables and tables of averages. ( Wikipedia )
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