Page history
2 April 2020
17 September 2015
23 January 2015
27 November 2014
various fixes bought back from Wikipedia
→International Law - Lesson 2: + definition of w:Settlement (litigation)
→Business Law - Lesson 1 - Introduction
→Business Negotiations and Contracts: giving headings some description and uniforming the heading levels
→Business Law: tweak
→Business Negotiations and Contracts - Lesson 1: tweak order
26 November 2014
moving the most essential stuff to the introduction
adding parenthesis
minor tweaks
uniforming the headings
→Business Negotiations and Contracts - Week 50: adding translation power of attorney -> w:fi:valtakirja
→Business Negotiations and Contracts - Week 49: adding translations
→Business Negotiations and Contracts - Week 47 - self learning for assignments: adding translations
→Business Negotiations and Contracts - Week 46: adding translation Breach of contract -> ( w:fi:sopimusrikkomus tai sopimusrikko )
→About contracts: adding translations
moved contents of Business Negotiations and Contracts here
→Week 49: adding translations and some further reading from Wikipedia
→Week 47: adding translations
→Week 46: adding translations + fmt
→Week 45
→Week 44: adding translations
→International Law: fixing an error I accidentally made
→International Law: adding translations for the introductotry chapter
→Lesson 4 - Consumer law, companies law: adding translations
→Lesson 3 - Contract law: adding translations
→Lesson 2 - Compensation law, product liability: adding translations
rm redundant repetition of non-incorporated business entities
→Lesson 1 - Introduction: adding translations, tweaking
rm the faux ami completely
→Business Law: if I'm understanding this right both civil law (common law) and private law are referring to mostly the field of w:fi:Yksityisoikeus
→Business Law: clarifyings structure and removing some non-precise translations, moving the faux ami that was just confusing people downward,
moved = Types of business entity in a nutshell = to the end of Law article
reorganizing content for better approachability
→Resources: noting author of the book we had in Law 101
→Types of business entity in a nutshell: various improvements and adding translations into Finnish to all terms in this chunk
starting to add Finnish terms from excellent book Access to Finnish Law by Aapo Surakka and Wikipedia, and other sources if necessary
26 July 2014
5 April 2014
4 April 2014
→Link to material for tomorrows exam: rm link to non-existent page
fixing headings for portion Law#Business Law